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Electronic Press Kit

The group incorporates the sound of traditional Jewish music with jazz techniques and elements. Led by pianist Oren Dashti the group performs original songs and some traditional Jewish melodies rearranged. Jewish music originates from eastern Europe, and for many centuries was the center of culture life in Jewish communities. Oren’s music is a mix of influences, some eastern European and some middle eastern. Just like the mix that Israel is in its varied cultures and influences, the music reflects different genres and sounds as well. Another strong element in Oren’s music is the classical one. So the overall sound is a mix of jazz, classical and world music. Infused with drummer Chuck’s strong traditional jazz background, Han’s melodic bass lines, and Gabriel and Wen strong understanding of traditional Jewish music, the group creates a new and fresh sound. They already played together around Taiwan on many occasions, including the 2022 Taizhong Jazz Festival.

他們是台灣許多展演空間的常客, 多年的合作累積了無比的默契.除了在聲響上有豐富的經驗,他們也揉合了傳統爵士樂.在鋼琴手Oren dashti 的帶領當中他們的音樂裡頭輕輕刻畫著中東的元素. 有別於熟悉的爵士樂, 他們的音樂更帶著份獨特. 習於在充滿變化的節奏形態上構築著豐富色彩的和聲能量, 三個音樂家時而展開時而合一的合作, 講述著三人對音樂特有的觀點又相互輝映的樂章。

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